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We hope you will find the following links both informative and useful as part of your translation research:


http://www.oxfordparavia.it/ - English & Italian
http://www.wordreference.com/ - English & Italian Dictionary
http://www.leo.org/ - German & English, French, Spanish
http://dictionary.reference.com/ - Mono English
http://www.rae.es - Real Academia Española
http://www.babelpoint.org/ - Spanish & English
http://www.wiktionary.org/ - the Wiki-based Open Content dictionary
http://dictionary.reverso.net - Various languages and dialects
http://www.logos.net - Various languages and dialects


http://www.fachlexika.de/technik/mechatronik/index.php - German & English
http://www.metallingua.com/szotar/feltolt/base/index.php - Major European languages
http://www.axesindustries.com/glossaire.asp/lang/uk - Major European languages
http://www.didacticonline.de/int-en/services/online-dictionary/ - Major European languages
http://lttwww.epfl.ch/teaching/files/Worterbuch_S-E-F-D-I.pdf - Major European languages


http://iate.europa.eu - IATE (Inter Active Terminology for Europe) Reference website for EU terminology as well as financial and legal terms.
http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/ - Mono English
http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/ - Mono English Financial/Legal
http://tradition.axone.ch/ - Various languages and dialects

Synonym & Antonym finder

http://www.synonym.com/ - Mono English
http://thesaurus.com/ - Mono English Acronym finder
http://www.acronymfinder.com/ - Mostly abbreviations from English-speaking countries

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